The Butterfly signifies change and growth through perseverance and struggle, but the butterfly does not know this, it just has its purpose and carries on instinctively. Once we find our purpose, life becomes less struggle and more instinctive flow. If we dream and believe, we can achieve.
Video showing the impact The Health and wellness Hub made across your community during COVID-19
Established in 2012, the charity was set up from a belief that people living in North Lanarkshire regardless of health, disability or financial hardship, should be treated fairly and with equity and should have opportunities available to them which allows them to realise and achieve their full potential.
Since 2012 the organisation has been providing regular health and wellbeing activities in a number of community based centres that are in areas of North Lanarkshire where multiple deprivation exists.
It also provides an intensive volunteer support programme aimed at individuals in North Lanarkshire who have a number of support needs and are marginalised and disadvantaged in some way (e.g learning/physical disability, long term health condition, mental health issue, long term unemployed etc)
The work the organisation does has a proven track record of improving peoples physical and emotional health and improving their life chances.
Video from the Founder & Director of The Health and Wellness Hub, Ayeshah Khan.
Video from our first Community Health Fayre in August 2012, opened by John Pentland MSP.
Our Vision
To create a relaxing, welcoming, non-clinical and therapeutic space that works for everyone.
In this safe space, we guide and support people through a holistic process that is healing for body, mind and soul.
We support people to experience a sense of belonging, which helps them to connect and re-connect with their best self.
Board of Trustees
Ann Donald (Chairperson/Treasurer)
Ann joined the Board of Trustees in January 2019. Working within the banking industry for over 40 years she then took early retirement in 2016 to look after her grandson. Ann decided that when he started school she wanted to use her wealth of knowledge and skills and start volunteering. Learning about the hub from her daughter In-Law she was very interested in the work they do within the community and knew she wanted to do more, an opportunity became available and Ann joined the board.
Ann is looking forward to her ongoing work with the organisation.
Martine Nolan
Martine joined the Board of Trustees in 2022. She is a charter construction manager and has worked across the UK and Europe building everything from train stations to offshore wind farms. She has four degrees including a degree in engineering, a degree in environmental management, and two in business management.
She returned to Lanarkshire in 2010 to care for her parents and remained once they passed away. She has been involved with a range of community works since 2010. As she lives and works locally, she sees every day the hardship faced by those in her community.
Martine brings her years of project management and passion for social justice to the board. Her aim for the charity is that those who work, learn and play in our facilities, do so in warm, clean, safe and secure environment.
When not working or volunteering, Martine's time is spent walking her dog and spending time with her family and friends.
Catherine Carson
Catherine joined the board in 2023 bringing a wealth of knowledge from her years of experience working in the Third Sector. She has worked in the sector for almost two decades after starting her career in the music industry in London. Catherine currently working as the Adult Team Manager at Getting Better Together, a community-based health initiative which promotes the education, health and wellbeing of residents across Wishaw and Shotts. Having grown up and lived in Motherwell for most of her life, Catherine is passionate about helping to ensure that people across her community have the opportunity to realise their full potential which led her to join the board. She is excited about helping the charity to achieve its aims and ensure that people in North Lanarkshire can thrive.
Tommy Brannigan
Tommy joined the Board of Trustees in 2023. He has extensive experience of work in the third sector, mainly in Youth Justice and Residential Child Care. He has always taken an interest in local issues and over the years has been on various committes. Currently he is on the Newarthill Community Council. He has been a regular visitor to The Health and Wellness Hub for some time now, supporting vulnerable adults to attend, and has seen at first hand the work being done here. He is keen to see our services develop and expand.
Fiona Jonson
Fiona joined the Board of Trustees in 2023 with experience in the Voluntary Sector having worked at North Lanarkshire Disability Forum and Lanarkshire Links, working with people with disabilities and mental health difficulties. Fiona retired in 2018 and started her second volunteering journey at The Commonwealth Games, Gymnastics World Championship, the European Championships, Kiltie at various Kiltwalks, UCI World Cycling Championships, Piping Festival and Stirling Highland Games. She also volunteers with North Lanarkshire Disability Forum, North Lanarkshire Carers Together and Speakeasy Lanarkshire. A widely diverse range of activities.
Fiona is looking forward to becoming involved, helping to take the Charity forward into 2024 and beyond.
Our Staff Members
Collette Donald - Senior Manager
Collette has over 15 years’ experience in the private sector. After becoming a mum, Collette knew that she wanted a change of direction and wanted to go into a role where she could help others and work in an organisation that could really help make a difference to people. Collette started volunteering for another charity helping families in need, from working in this role she discovered the Health and Wellness Hub. Collette became passionate about the services the Health and Wellness Hub provides and she knew that this was the type of organisation she wanted to contribute to. In August 2016 Collette became a staff member and is enthusiastic about the skill set she can bring to the Hub.
Kelly Stewart - Operational Manager
Kelly has worked in the private sector for 15 years and has a lot of experience working with people from many different backgrounds. In the summer of 2015 Kelly struggled with low self-esteem and anxiety following treatment for a health condition. Kelly went from being a strong-minded person to feeling emotionally vulnerable and weak but realised that by taking a more holistic approach really helped her recovery. In 2016, Kelly was sign-posted to the Health and Wellness Hub to aid her recovery further. Being totally unaware that this type of service existed, Kelly became really excited about the organisations ethos and knew she wanted to spend more time with the organisation. Kelly applied for a job advertised with the organisation and in August 2016 became part of the staff team.
Claire McBride - Senior Wellness Coach
Claire started volunteering in October 2015 as she had suffered with mental health issues in the past. Claire was driven to volunteer as she had a passion for helping people going through similar issues and loved everything the organisation stood for. Claire was passionate specifically about the therapies and their impact on vastly aiding people's recovery. Claire having already qualified in level 1 and 2 in beauty therapy then completed training in Swedish massage, Indian head massage and reiki 1 and 2. In August 2016, Claire was taken on a placement through Community Jobs Scotland as a "Community Therapist" and now works with a variety of groups and individuals across North Lanarkshire.
Ashley McQuade - Volunteer Co-Ordinator
Ashley started volunteering in August 2017, as she has suffered from mental health issues in the past and she recognised that volunteering was an opportunity to not only help others but to help herself. In October 2017, Ashley completed a qualification in Swedish Massage. In November 2017, Ashley was offered a 1 year placement through the Community Jobs Scotland initiative and is now employed by The Health and Wellness Hub as a “Wellness Coach” Ashley loves working with people from a variety of different backgrounds and helping them through similar situations to herself. Since she’s been involved with the organisation, Ashley feels her confidence has increased and she feels passionately about the services the hub provides and is looking forward to her ongoing work with the organisation.
Norma Fagan - Training Facilitator
Norma started volunteering in January 2015. Being a lone parent with an autistic son, she had given up a previous office job as she had no childcare. This led to depression, being socially isolated and low confidence and self -esteem. She joined a support agency and having an interest in holistic therapies, she found out about The Health and Wellness Hub. Since volunteering, Norma’s mood, confidence and self esteem have all improved. Norma is really passionate about helping others and in September 2018, she became employed with the organisation as a Volunteer Coordinator.
Maureen Todd - Peer Support Group Facilitator
Maureen started volunteering in 2017. Being a lone parent with 2 young girls, she found that when her youngest daughter started school she became really isolated and would hardly leave the house. Her mood became really low and she found she was sleeping all the time because of it. After 6 months of this, Maureen sought help and started attending one of the Community Health Hubs as a service user. She then started volunteering which started to lift her mood and increase her self -esteem. The more she volunteered, the more confident she felt in herself, which led to her feeling happier. In September 2018, Maureen became employed with the organisation as a Volunteer Coordinator.
Carol Ramsay - Service Co-Ordinator
Carol has been working in the Health and Fitness industry for around 20 years teaching classes for everyone from age 0–99. Carol has a strong belief in the medicinal properties of movement and decent nutrition and wants everyone to find their health and wellness from their exercise and food- be that marathon training or playing putting with the kids. Before this, Carol was a Software Technician building computer systems for power stations.
Nicola Picken - Wellness Ambassador
Nicola has struggled with anxiety and depression for a long time but knew she wanted to gain more confidence in a working environment, so she became a volunteer at The Health and Wellness Hub. Nicola was a volunteer for 4 years and in that time, Nicola has come a long way in gaining more confidence and self esteem. Nicola loves to help people and has always had a passion to be trained in Massage and Reiki to be able to provide this service to others and The Health and Wellness Hub has fulfilled this passion now and Nicola is fully qualified in Massage and Reiki. Nicola recently had the opportunity to be trained in Chair Based Exercise and Zumba and now has started employment at The Health and Wellness Hub as an Wellness Ambassador providing therapies and fitness classes.
Rachel Ferguson - Admin Assistant
Rachel joined The Health and Wellness Hub as a volunteer in August 2019 to boost her confidence and improve her self-esteem. Living with Autism and anxiety comes with its challenges, yet Rachel was passionate in helping others and using the skills she learned as a volunteer to improve her own health. In September 2019, Rachel was offered the opportunity of employment with the organisation and now works as one of our receptionists. Since Rachel has been with the organisation, her mental health has improved a lot and she now has much more confidence in herself.
Karen Todd - Wellness Ambassador
After a long break from employment as a stay at home mum, Karen with the support from Routes to Work decided to get back into employment. Struggling with her mental health, she wanted to rebuild her self-esteem and confidence. Feeling isolated, Karen decided to try something new and joined The Health and Wellness Hub as a volunteer to support her journey back to employment. She trained in various holistic therapies, which she felt helped her heal. Volunteering gave her a sense of purpose and something for herself. After a few months of volunteering and gaining her confidence back Karen was given the opportunity to join us as a Wellness Ambassador on a six-month job placement funded by North Lanarkshire Council – working for families fund . Karen has expressed how being back in work and joining the hub has been a great decision for her as she continues to experience a significant improvement in her mental wellbeing.