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Social Prescription Programmes


The Health and Wellness Hub can provide a tailored health programme to individuals living in North Lanarkshire who wish to address particular health needs.

The programme has been designed to support individuals with varying physical and mental health conditions to enable and support them in creating positive lifestyle choices that will help them feel better, physically and emotionally.

Alongside the health programme, we will also provide support, signposting and mentoring that will help make changes that will improve overall wellbeing. 


Some of the services within the health programme includes:


  • A wide range of holistic therapy taster sessions. (inhouse or at our weekly hubs)

  • Access to activities like walking, yoga, tai chi/flow n slow, fitness, relaxation classes. (in house or at our weekly hubs)

  • Access to coaching and mentoring sessions with trained staff.

  • Access to our Volunteer/Training programme. (eligibility criteria applies)


Some of the outcomes we have achieved through past programmes include:


  • Improved self-confidence and self esteem

  • Reduced low mood

  • Reduced feelings of stress

  • Helped participants deal with the problems that are causing low wellbeing such as loneliness and unemployment

  • Helped people develop positive ways of coping with the challenges of life

  • Increased opportunities for social contact

  • Learnt new and useful skills

  • Improved community spirit

  • Increased the number of people using arts, leisure, education, volunteering, sporting and other activities


The specialised programmes usually run for 6 weeks however can be tailored to suit the needs of individuals and organisations.

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